So, I am the worst ever at setting any kind of fitness goals, frankly, it just doesn't interest me, never has! The reality is, my 38yr old, bearer of 3 chunky babies, dessert loving body is not going to keep itself trim without a little exercise, it's time I faced it. So this is my new regime, it's not much but it's something, and I know if I over do it with some lengthy program that I'll never find time to do, well, I simply won't do it...
So here it is...
my stairs!!
I will do 20 sets of these stairs each day. That doesn't include the going up & down to do incidental things here & there, it means consecutive sets.
So it's up 2 at a time & singles down = 1 set.
I am putting it out there for all to know in the hope that this will help me to commit. Otherwise, I'd most likely decide a cuppa & some blog visiting might be a nicer way to spend a few minutes. Yes, it's only a few minutes...a day! I can commit to that. I will commit to that.
Starting NOW!!
no goals, no 'by this time I'll have lost this much or be wearing that bathing suit..' just do it to feel good, because I know I will...(looking good in a bathing suit will be a bonus)...