Friday, January 9, 2015

easing in..

We're taking our time and easing ourselves into this new year.  Our little town is swelling with visitors, and I just love the summertime holiday atmosphere around the place.  We ride our bikes here, there and everywhere to avoid the traffic congestion and its become one of my most favourite things to do. Mostly, I love that we do it together.  It's become quality family time, we're getting to know one another all over again, sharing stories, goals for the year and lots of laughs.

This week, we're officially back at work, though the kids are still on holidays so making the most of any spare time is a must.  Beach visits, getting our little surfer boy out on the waves, fish and chips in the park and more bike rides.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, we are just so lucky that our kids enjoy home and rarely ask to go places.  They've set up the sun tent in the backyard and spend hours playing camp, having tea parties with their baby sister, making movies and writing stories.  It's truly a joy to watch.

I'm taking time whenever I can to work on a few crochet projects, cleaning out cupboards and doing the odd op shop drop off.  I'm feeling the need to cleanse and simplify our home and I'm hoping it'll motivate me to make a start on some long overdue home improvements, I'm the worlds greatest procrastinator for certain!

I hope your new year is off to an easy start.  Are you lucky enough to be on holidays?  If not, I hope you find time to make the most of those spare moments.



  1. I was back at work this week too and already tired by it. The long haul in, the squeezed spaces at the end of the day. Hoping I can change the routine with better public transport next week, a run in the morning and stretches and home to good food and reading or quiet knitting.

  2. The scarf is magnifical, even if it's much to grey for me! In France its winter and I need more colours. But the photo is very good. Thank you. I'm happy to see you enjoy be with your family because it makes great chidren. It has always been my hope to the families around me. Take care of you and enjoy being together. It's the important in life! (I'm Frederique Llensa-Vanderlynden from France)

  3. We're not on holidays anymore. I miss it! We had Erick home with us for over a week and the whole house seemed alive when he was here. Looking forward to seeing your projects blossom over the year : )

  4. It's always such a strange time of the year isn't it, slow and restful but at the same time looking ahead and making plans. We have a wedding down your way on the Australia day weekend and it was almost impossible to find accommodation, it must be mad for you guys having your sleepy town overrun with holiday makers. Wishing you and your gorgeous family wonderful things for 2015, I look forward to following your journeys. xx

  5. Beautiful post, beautiful work. Sending love and wishing you a most wonderful year!


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