He did it, he broke me.
The little guy, for all his gorgeousness broke me down. He is the most unbelievably strong willed little person I've ever known. Nothing works on him like it did on the others. He pushes and he pushes, he's relentless. He knows,
always, that the outcome is not going to be in his favour, we've never given in to his tantrums, bad behaviour has never been rewarded. He always ends up missing out and loosing privilages, yet he just keeps on pushing.
It is getting a tiny bit better. These moments are fewer & often shorter, so hopefully he's growing out of them altogether, oh how I hope he is!
I know you have to pick your battles, but I feel torn here. I can't just accept this kind of behaviour for the sake of peace & quiet, surely that's not going to benefit him out there in the real world.
It started at bed time, I could see where it was headed early on, I could have gone to him, soothingly, catering to his unreasonable demands, it would all have been avoided if I had. Hubby's away for a few days, it helps when we have each other to take turns dealing with this. On and on he went, then suddenly snap, I lost it. Lost my temper. Of course the entire situation just escalated from there, of course it did! Tears, anger, yelling & banging.
In the end no one got what they wanted and nothing was achieved.
I didn't sleep. He wakes up perfectly happy ready to start a new day, no mention of the night before, while I lie there exhausted, flat, and well, just broken.
I got up made pancakes, like Daddy usually does on the weekend, but there was no love in those pancakes I tell you! I sat,had my brekky, trying to work out how I get passed this like he does, having a sulky muma isn't helpful and I can feel the atmosphere in our home.
Today's a new day.
Today he's been his lovely, gorgeous self (most of the time). Affectionate, considerate, funny. Playing beautifully with his brothers, constantly sneaking up and wrapping his arms tight as can be around me. He's adorable..today.