Tuesday, June 8, 2010


The sheer joy of walking into the lounge and seeing my big boy all settled in for a quiet night of crafting...

So adorable!  It almost brought a tear to my eye when he said he's weaving a scarf for his brothers birthday. I tell you, it will be the most treasured gift, the birthday boy will be beside himself receiving a handmade scarf from his big brother & greatest idol...


  1. What a great big brother! So cute!

  2. definitely is! so sweet of him ♥

  3. Love it! My secret goal is to have all three of my kids moving to the crafty dark side in that half hour of 'potter about time' between dinner and the Ten Minute Tidy...

  4. that is so sweet and your raising a little hero so well done you .

  5. Oh Mel that's just priceless! Meltingly so.

    Thanks for visiting again. You've become one of my lovely, regular, always looked for commenters. x

  6. Oh, you do good work, Mel. He'll have his own Etsy shop in no time...

  7. So wonderful that he is taking a natural interest in crafting, obviously inspired by you! xo m.

  8. Aww that is so cute!!You must be feelin so proud!!


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