Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The other side...

I can thankfully say I have almost made it to the other side of a shocking head cold. 
It hasn't been pretty.  While I've been nursing a head that felt the size & weight of a watermelon, some horrible dragon lady inhabited my body & was so miserable & grumpy & awful to everyone else who lives here.  Hubby has taken a very wide berth & I do believe was VERY happy to be back at work yesterday!


But now look, the sun is shinning on my airing linen, that horrid dragon lady has moved on & I am all inspired and recharged to get back into the swing of my normal happy life...I'm sure that having hubby back at work after 4 weeks has nothing to do with the clouds lifting, we really had a lovely time..at least the first 3 weeks were fun...


  1. so pleased you are feeling better Mel. are you keen for some sewing fun?

  2. Oh dear ... perhaps we've been sharing germs through cyber space ;) Nothing like looking at washing getting a good sunbath is there?

    Hey lovely I am soooo glad you won my giveaway! Now all you need to do is send me your address details and all that stuff will be winging it's way to you :)

  3. Hey Mel, perhaps there is a health camp for tired crotchity woman like me and grumpy girls like you. Or maybe we just need to take a break every now and again!

  4. oh look at that gorgeous sight..nothing more delicious than freshly washed vintage sheets hanging in the sunshine!


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