Sunday, April 5, 2020

A Blog Revival..

Three years! It's been three years since I posted here last. All it took was a longtime blogging mate Kooandyoo to put a shout out on Instagram for a reunion tour, and here I am!  Gosh I've missed those friendly chats, the regular catch ups, getting inspired by people's craft and feeling connected.  Nothing like a worldwide pandemic to bring us back together, hey.

Here's a quick catch up on life over the last three years..

Where do I start, there's so much to share and nothing all at the same time.  Life just plods on.  Frustratingly, my crafting mojo has not returned to full function, and my 'works in progress' basket is overflowing with projects that I've started enthusiastically and abandoned all too quickly. It seems the only thing that sparks my making these days is new baby announcements or a random beanie request. Things might change now that I'm back in blogland with my creative mates. Fingers crossed!

Mum life ramped up to, well, off the charts. It became my life's work to be the best I could be for everyone all of the time. Of course it has always been my priority as a mum, but somewhere along the way it became unhealthily and unrealistically so. It wasn't until a breakdown of sorts, to be honest, that I realised just what I'd been doing. Being Supermum, the way I was doing it, was unsustainable. So I'm also my own work in progress these days.

The big boy finished year 12 last year, received the dux award, plays in a band with his 3 best mates, has deferred from uni to work fulltime, to live life on his own terms and to play music. Fifteen to eighteen were not easy years to parent, but we made it through.

The middle guy is almost 16, he's taller than the big boy, he's super social, forever with his friends either online or out and about (at the moment its strictly virtual of course).  With the gentle nudge of a very special teacher, he discovered he loves drama and is in fact quite good at it.  That should probably come as no surprise when we look back at previous posts dedicated to his boundless imagination, glorious quirks and daily dress ups. He takes his school work pretty seriously these days, which is a relief and something we thought might never happen. His entire life was PLAY, do you remember that?

The little guy is 13 and not so little. He's almost my height now.  He discovered music back in grade 3 and is a great drummer, though prefers to be the guitarist whenever his mates come over to jam.  Music has helped him in so many ways, what a saviour! He also loves to skate and draw, and he still loves his craft.

Olive is 7. Seven! She's funny, still adoring of us all, and loves rainbows, fairies, and unicorns.  She dishes out hugs and love notes regularly. Life is pretty sweet with her around.

Nick is doing what he does best, taking care of us all and cooking a Sunday roast as I write. His work hasn't been shut down at this stage, so he's working busily and mighty carefully as long as he still can. Perhaps Stage 4, should we come to it, will change things. It's just a matter of living day by day at the moment, never quite knowing what's ahead.

How about you? What have I missed? How are you all managing life in isolation? Want to join the reunion tour with us? Head over to Kirsty's if you do!


  1. 7! Wow - just a babe when I was last here. Of course all my own babes are grown ups now ... we also had a year 12 leaver last year (the very last of ours).

    I love that you identify as a work in progress too as we all are. It's so good to see you back here.

    Sending love to your and your crew xxx

    1. Oh wow, no more school kids! No home schooling for you then! I hope you're all doing great, Kirsty. It's so nice to be back here. Thanks for kicking it off x

  2. Time flies when you are having fun! Two relocations and another baby for us ❤


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