My blog is a favourite place for me. A place I like to document moments, to share my thoughts, creative bits and bobs and things I make. There are so many blog meme's and linky's I'd love to be a part of, they are loads of fun and a nice way to be introduced to other lovely folk and their spaces, but the reality is I just don't have the time right now.
I was especially looking forward to being a part of the gorgeous 52 project this year, I'm forever taking pictures anyway. Then suddenly yesterday as I was going through the weeks pictures I felt that they were somehow empty. I couldn't find an image that represented a moment perfectly, and it occurred to me that after all this time, my blog is a far more personal space than I had imagined. When I blog I want it to represent something, to have meaning and significance even if it's only for my own benefit, something for me and my gang to look back on and remember.
So for now, at least, I'm just going to blog when it counts, to me. That little teeny weeny hand up there and those three protective big brother hands require all the time, attention and energy I can give, and that in itself is no easy feat.
So I may not be posting quite so often, but I will most definitely be popping by other lovely spaces to see what you're all up to during those quiet moments as I'm feeding little Olive, it's way too hard to stay away..x