Thursday, April 15, 2010

A new little somethin', somethin'...

I've been having so much fun giving old discarded pieces new life.  My heart goes all aflutter when I see some sweet little thing that needs nothing but a bit of love and attention to turn it into something fabulous.  Not to mention the little treasures planted here & there about the house already that are crying out for a bit of a new vibe.  Realistically, there's only so much our home can house, but I can't to stop!

Needless to say, my creative space is all a buzz right now, as is our garage come workshop.  But, I have plans...I'll fill you in as the vision becomes clearer...

Pop on over to Kootoyoo & see what's going on in other creative spaces... 


  1. Ooh power tools! My best friends. Can't wait to see what you're up too :)

  2. Talk about a TEASER! Don't mind me, I'll just wait around, bating breath, turning a slow shade of blue...

  3. Yeah, get the big boys out! Looking forward to see what you're up to. xxNick

  4. you've inspired me to play along for the first time...
    I had to use a lot of power tools doing my seven year old tree, at one point i said to joe i should'nt have to use these power tools 'i'm a lady' and he said "well do it by hand then '.
    it was funny at the time;0))))
    word verication was tinglin.....very apt feeling when using sander

  5. I love the way you give old things a new life, and you are so passionate about it too. It's very inspiring, can't wait to see what your latest project is xo

  6. lol. I love it! The way you posted here. What a hoot. It's great the way I see such a change in the way bloggers evolve in their delivery of their posts, over the time I've been following them. Your little pretties look pretty fab once you've finished them. Well done.
    Thanks for visiting and more of your lovely comments. So pleased you're joining in the fun of the Apron Swap too. Should be a heap of fun.
    Also waiting to see the big reveal! :) x

  7. Now that I know that your creative space involved power tools, I promise not to complain about how noisy my overlocker is.
    Have fun! Can't wait to see what you're working on.

  8. Oh cool! I hope you enjoy creating your own work space! Love all your latest furniture purchases too!

  9. I am with is like finding a diamond in the rough, so to speak!!!! Can't wait to see what you are working on!

  10. Yes I love sprucing things up too, although the sight of that hand sander sends shivers down my spine as I remember the many hours of sanding a parquet floor at our old flat! Look forward to seeing the results. x


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